When buying a home, purchasers are presented with a lot of options, the first and most obvious being whether to buy a second-hand property or a brand new one. At Gower Homes, we believe our new build homes have plenty to offer and once you’ve heard our top five reasons to buy new, we think you’ll agree:
- A blank canvas
- Energy efficiency
- A maintenance free zone
- Peace of mind
- Moving made easy - no chain
- Shared equity affordable housing / Help to Buy Wales
A Blank Canvas
When you buy a new Gower home, you can take pleasure in the fact that you will be the first owner. With a pristine and neutral interior, your new home will be a blank canvas for you to put your own stamp on from the start.
Energy Efficiency

Not only will buying a new home enable you to be kind to the environment by using less carbon it will also save you money. Our homes are many times more efficient than older properties and in fact, because of recent building regulation changes, at least 25% more fuel efficient than houses built in 2009 (under part L 2006), which in turn are 25% more efficient than houses built in 2005 (under part L 2002) due to:
- Increased boiler efficiencies
- Well insulated doors & windows
- Ultra high value floor roof & wall insulation
- Low energy lighting
- Heating temperature zone controls
- Dual flush toilets & low flow basin taps to ensure less water usage
All of these measures ensure less energy & water usage therefore saving more money.
View a typical current Gower Eneregy Performance Certificate (EPC) compared with a property built in 1993:
Current Gower Homes property EPC
1993 property EPC
A Maintenance Free Zone
It’s not just the home that is new, everything within it is too! This means there is no costly work needed to replace any old equipment, such as the central heating, electrics, as can sometimes be required with older properties. In addition to this we install low maintenance UPVC windows and steel front doors, and all high level fascia and barge boards are also UPVC. This leaves you free to spend your spare pennies on the finer things in life.
Peace of Mind

At Gower Homes every home we build comes with a ten year structural warranty and resolution service from the NHBC, which shows our commitment to providing you with a quality home. We don’t just stop there, all of our houses are vigorously inspected at various build stages by both the Local Authority Building Inspector and NHBC Inspector to ensure high standards of build are maintained throughout. In addition to this pressure testing and acoustic testing are carried out during construction to ensure the design parameters are being met. Many of our competitors circumvent these requirements by building to the old regulations (part L 2006).